How does Notino handle product reviews?
There are a number of ways in which product reviews can appear on our website:
After you’ve made your purchase, you may decide to review the individual products you’ve received. This is the most common way in which reviews appear on our website. We also send out emails some time after purchase in which we ask you to submit your authentic product reviews. As soon as the review is submitted to our website, we verify the user’s purchase history to check whether or not they truly bought the product. If the information matches, we mark the review as: Verified.
You can even review products that you haven’t purchased directly from us (perhaps you purchased them elsewhere). The authenticity of such reviews can’t be guaranteed. The same is true for reviews submitted before May 28th 2022, which are also not marked as verified, because we are unable to guarantee their authenticity.
We send out gift packages to influencers and testers with free products. After they’ve tried them out, they can choose to write a review. Such reviews are marked as: Gift.
We do not edit the reviews submitted by our customers. The only exceptions are aggressive and explicitly vulgar reviews, which we delete immediately. Luckily, this does not happen very often.
Do you want to try and write a review? Sign in and pick the product you want to review from the Purchased Products section of your profile. Or you can also search for it directly in the search bar of our e-shop once you’ve signed in.
As of May 28th 2022, we include the source of every review and whether or not it has been verified. Older reviews may or may not be 100% authentic.